Your lawyers since 1722

870,887 inhabitants
Dry-summer subtropical climate

Existing / Planned Regulations & Roadmaps

San Francisco Green Building Code requires all new construction and major alterations of both private and municipal buildings to go “above code” on energy performance
LEED Gold required for projects >10,000ft2
California 2019 Title 24 Energy Standards make substantial progress in allowing electrification of small low-rise residential buildings (efforts to enable electrification of non-residential and high-rise residential buildings underway)
‘Better Roofs’ ordinance requires all new residential buildings of any size and some non-residential buildings to install photovoltaic, solar thermal and/or living roofs, 2016
Pending “Central SOMA Area Plan” includes requirements for new developments to purchase 100% renewable electricity
Existing Commercial Buildings Energy Performance Ordinance provides a policy foundation for future regulatory and incentive-based efforts to achieve net zero carbon building operations, 2011
Emissions Pathways Report to outline necessary actions to meet net zero emissions by 2050
Active participant in the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance Zero Cities Project
Energy efficiency and renewable energy procurement programs offer residents and businesses up to 100% renewable energy: CleanPowerSF, San Francisco Energy Watch (SFEW), Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN), Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)
‘Residential Retrofit Roadmaps’: a new project that will analyse energy consumption and relevant asset data of every home in San Francisco, to offer specific upgrade packages for different building typologies
‘Realize’ a project focused on the rapid delivery of affordable integrated zero net energy retrofit packages for multifamily buildings

Further information

San Francisco green building ordinance building code